Shapely works with geometric classes. Sometimes you want those geometries to come from
shapefiles. That's where PyShp comes in. In this example on GIS Stack Exchange, we take a line shapefile and a point shapefile with points on or near the line segments, and split those lines at the location of the nearest point. At a minimum, the point must be inside the envelope of the line segment:
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Reproject a Polygon Shapefile using PyShp and PyProj
Via the blog "Geospatiality": In this post I will use the PyShp library along with the PyProj library to
reproject the local authority boundaries of Ireland, in Shapefile format, from Irish Transverse Mercator to WGS 84 using Python.
reproject the local authority boundaries of Ireland, in Shapefile format, from Irish Transverse Mercator to WGS 84 using Python.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
3D Multipatch Shapefile in Pure Python
Via GIS StackExchange...
![]() |
3D cube shown in Esri ArcScene generated using PyShp and the obscure "MultiPatch" shapefile type in pure Python |
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Pure Python: Loading Shapefiles into PostGIS
![]() |
In addition to being the best spatial database
engine available, PostGIS can be manipulated using pure Python without any C-library dependencies. |
One of the main things I like about PostgreSQL is fantastic Python support with several options for database drivers. PostGIS is just a collection of PostgresSQL extensions and functions, so any database driver works. In this post, we're going to use the pure Python, dependency-free pg8000, and pyshp modules to load a point shapefile into a posts database. Both modules can be quickly installed using pip or easy_install.
To get started, follow the PostGIS instructions to get up and running with a spatial database. In this example we'll use a database named "test" that is spatially enabled by PostGIS. We have pg8000 installed as our database interface and pushup to read a shapefile. The shapefile we'll use is a point shapefile containing information about some cities in the state of Mississippi. You can download the shapefile here.
The following code will set up a connection to our test geodatabase, create a table based on the fields of the shapefile, and then load the shapefile data into the table.
# Import the database driver and shapefile library import pg8000 import shapefile # Set up the datbase connection connection = pg8000.connect(database="test", user="test", password="test") # Get the database cursor to execute queries cursor = connection.cursor() # Set up a shapefile reader for our shapefile r = shapefile.Reader("MSCities_Geo_Pts/MSCities_Geo_Pts.shp") # Build a query to create our "cities" table # with an id and geometry column. table_query = """CREATE TABLE cities ( id SERIAL, PRIMARY KEY (id), geom GEOMETRY(Point, 4326), """ # Get the shapefile fields but skip the first # one which is a deletion flag used internally # by dbf software fields = r.fields[1:] # We are going to keep track of the fields as a # string. We'll use this query fragment for our # insert query later. field_string = "" # Loop throug the fields and build our table # creation query. for i in range(len(fields)): # get the field information f = fields[i] # get the field name and lowercase it for consistency f_name = f[0].lower() # add the name to the query and our string list of fields table_query += f_name field_string += f_name # Get the proper type for each field. Note this check # is not comprehensive but it convers the types in # our sample shapefile. if f[1] == "F": table_query += " DOUBLE PRECISION" elif f[1] == "N": table_query += " INTEGER" else: table_query += " VARCHAR" # If this field isn' the last, we'll add a comma # and some formatting. if i != len(fields)- 1: table_query += "," table_query += "\n" table_query += " " field_string += "," # Close the query on the field. else: table_query += ")" field_string += ",geom" # Execute the table query cursor.execute(table_query) # Commit the change to the database or it won't stick. # PostgreSQL is transactional which is good so nothing # is stored until you're sure it works. connection.commit() # Create a python generator for the # shapefiles shapes and records shape_records = (shp_rec for shp_rec in r.iterShapeRecords()) # Loop through the shapefile data and add it to our new table. for sr in shape_records: # Get our point data. shape = sr.shape x, y = shape.points[0] # Get the attribute data and set it up as # a query fragment. attributes = "" for r in sr.record: if type(r) == type("string"): r = r.replace("'", "''") attributes += "'{}'".format(r) attributes += "," # Build our insert query template for this shape record. # Notice we are going to use a PostGIS function # which can turn a WKT geometry into a PostGIS # geometry. point_query = """INSERT INTO cities ({}) VALUES ({} ST_GEOMFROMTEXT('POINT({} {})',4326))""" # Populate our query template with actual data. format_point_query = point_query.format(field_string, attributes, x, y) # Insert the point data cursor.execute(format_point_query) # Everything went ok so let's update the database. connection.commit()
The shapefile data is now available in PostGIS for loading into a GIS as a layer or performing spatial functions in PostGIS. Here's a screenshot of it loaded into QGIS as a PostGIS layer:
I've used this technique to download datasets from the web such as weather data, and update a table on an automated basis as new data is available. One thing we did not do in this example is add a spatial index. PostGIS can manage a lot of data - more than you can efficiently manage on the file system. Spatial indexing is a big part of that efficiency. It also allows multiple users to access that data at the same time. Once you load a data set, you typically do a query like the following to index the data:
index_query = """CREATE INDEX cities_geom_gix ON cities USING GIST (geom);"""
That's it! PostGIS has dozens of spatial functions that make analyzing data programmatically easy as well. With pg8000 and a PostgreSQL server, PostGIS becomes a giant pure Python GIS library with no compiled dependencies on your client platform.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Pure Python NetCDF Reader

NetCDF reader called
He's posted the code and some more usage information on Github too:
Karim goes into detail on the ideas behind the library on his blog. But be careful, the examples on the blog aren't as current as the ones on Github:
As a quick test I installed pyncf using pip directly from Github:
pip install
I then downloaded the sample time series orthogonal point data NetCDF sample file from here:
The actual link to the netcdf file is here:
What's nice about these NOAA samples is that they have a plain-text CDL (Common Data Language) version as well that let's you see what's in the file when you're experimenting with an API like this:
First, I imported the library and created a NetCDF object from the sample file:
import pyncf nc = pyncf.NetCDF(filepath="")Then I created a variable to hold the header dictionary:
header = nc.headerThe header metadata contains a variety of summary data as nested dictionaries and list. We can access the product description by traversing that structure:
header["gatt_list"][1]["values"] 'These seawater data are collected by a moored fluorescence and turbidity instrument operated at Cordell Bank, California, USA, by CBNMS and BML. Beginning on 2008-04-23, fluorescence and turbidity measurements were collected using a Wetlabs ECO Fluorescence and Turbidity Sensor (ECO-FLNTUSB). The instrument depth of the water quality sensors was 01.0 meter, in an overall water depth of 85 meters (both relative to Mean Sea Level, MSL). The measurements reflect a 10 minute sampling interval.'
The time values in this dataset are stored as epoch seconds. I accessed those and then converted the first and last into readable dates to see exactly what period this dataset spans:
import time t = nc.read_dimension_values("time") print time.ctime(t[0]) 'Mon Jul 28 12:30:00 2008' print time.time(t[-1]) 'Wed Sep 10 10:31:00 2008'The pyncf codebase is considered an alpha version and is currently read only, but what a great addition to your pure Python geospatial toolbox! I wish this library was available when I updated "Learning Geospatial Analysis with Python"!
Friday, March 11, 2016
New Shapefile Browser
A developer named Adrián Eirís created a lightweight Python shapefile browser whose only compiled dependency is Tkinter which is included with most Python installations or is just a package manager command away. The tool is called "Ship-Shape-File-Navigator". It lets you preview a shapefile's geometry and attributes as well as perform common file operations like copying and renaming shapefiles as easily as if you were manipulating a single file (very handy!). So if you need to do some quick shapefile management and you don't wan to fire up QGIS or ArcMap, check it out. You can find out more at:
Here's a quick screenshot showing the geometry preview:
Here's a quick screenshot showing the geometry preview:
Friday, January 15, 2016
2016 Book Sale!
When the first edition launched in 2013, there was one other geospatial python book out - Erik Westra's excellent "Geospatial Python Development". Now there are 12 on Packt's site alone and other publishers are working to catch up. I started this blog because I love Python and I love geospatial analysis but couldn't find much information out there. Now there is a wealth of excellent geospatial python info and software coming from all directions!
You can help to continue to increase the use of Python in the geospatial field by discussing it online in blogs and forums, linking to interesting software and reading material on Twitter, releasing or contributing software on Github, and buying relevant books. Even in this digital age, books sales have a tremendous impact on the buzz and therefore the use of a given technology. And at the end of the day, mind share usually drives an industry to use a given technology. So however you participate, help spread the word that Python is the best language for geospatial technology (and pretty much everything else!). Of all the ways of "voting" for Python, buying books is the most point-and-click, dead simple, yet still personally rewarding way to make an impact!
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